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  • 松树牌®人参精口服液是用中国吉林人参作为原料,将上述全部有效成分用现代先进科学方法提出制为液体。

    【功能】 人参精为滋补强壮剂;补五脏,安精神,治风湿,促进血液循环。
    【适应范围】 对疲劳过度,神经衰弱及新陈代谢机能衰弱,食欲不振,消化不良,头痛,失眠,健忘,烦渴,腹痛,下痢等有效。
    【服法服量】 每次一瓶 (10ml),宜于早晨或临睡前服用。
    【包装规格】 每盒10瓶 x 10ml。
    【制造商】 中国天津中央药业有责任公司

    Panax Ginseng, the root of Araliaceae is a precious natural produce in the mountains of northeastern provinces of China.
    Pine Brand® Panax Ginseng Extractum is made of Chinese Panax Ginseng, by extracting all the above-mentioned compositions from this material and manufactured into liquid by scientific processes. This preparation is a valuable tonic good of the organs of the body. It is a remedy for rheumatism and stimulates blood circulation. It is also good for neurasthenia, over-fatigue, weak metabolism, poor appetite, indigestion, headache, insomnia, poor memory, abdomen aching and dysentery.

    Dosage: 1 vial (10ml) daily in the morning or at bedtime
    Packing: 10 bottles per box (10ml x 10’s)
    Manufacturer: Tianjin Central Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Tianjin, China
  • 丰牌®精制冬虫夏草胶囊】已改名为 丰牌®虫草至灵胶囊。



    【功能】 补虚损,益精气,补肺益肾,提高机体免疫力。
    【成分】 每粒含冬虫夏草菌丝250mg。
    【包装规格】 每瓶30粒。
    【服法服量】 每日3次,每次2-3粒,症重者可加倍服用。用于炖家禽或瘦肉时,加放适量本品,不仅提供炖品的营养,也可使味道更鲜美可口。
    【制造商】 中国山西大同利群药业有限责任公司 – 裕丰参茸药行(新加坡)监制

    [Feng Brand® Dongchong Xiacao Capsules] is now Feng Brand® Chongcao Zhiling Capsules.

    Chinese Caterpillar Fungus Cordyceps is a precious traditional medicine in China. Its functions such as tonifying asthenia-syndrome, supplementing vital energy, invigorating the lung and nourishing the kidney, has been recorded in books of meteria medica for generations.

    Feng Brand® Chongcao Zhiling Capsule is manufactured from an isolate of fresh Chinese caterpillar fungus produced in Sichuan province of China by purifying, cultivating and special bioengineering techniques. It is not only a medicine with good curative effect, but also an excellent tonic for enriching the blood and strengthening the body as it can promote the immunity of the organs.

    Ingredients: Each capsule contains 250mg Cordyceps Sinensis Hypha.
    Dosage: Adult – 3 times daily, 2-3 capsules each time. The dosage can be doubled for patients with severe illness.
    Packing: Each bottle contains 30 capsules.

    In stewing poultry and meat, an addition of adequate amount of this product (depending on taste preference) will not only raise the nutritive value of the food but also give a delicious taste as well. There is no known contraindication or side effect.

    Manufacturer: Datong Liqun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Datong, Shanxi, China; licensed by Joo Hong Medical Hall (Singapore).
  • 丰牌®问荆茶是由精选问荆绿茶用现代高新科技精细配制而成。生产过程中无化学反应,不含任何化合物,全系天然物质。本茶作为一种实用的保健材料,具有清热凉血,利尿等作用。这是因为问荆的有效成分很多,其中有含量较高的水溶性硅酸化合物。这是硅化合物在人体所有组织的物质代谢过程中,特别是在脂肪质的代谢中起着极其重要作用。

    【功能】 良好的降高胆固醇及高三酸甘油脂等作用,且无任何禁止与副作用。
    【服法服量】 每天饮喝3-4杯。每次先用热水泡大约5克茶叶5分钟后才饮用。
    【制造商】 中国常州开古茶叶食品有限公司– 裕丰参茸药行(新加坡)监制。

    Feng Brand® WENJING TEA is made from high quality green tea grown near Lake Tai of Wuxi Province, China. It is mixed with Wen Jing (Equisetum Arvense), a Chinese plant, which does not contain any chemical compound.

    As it has antipyretic and diuretic effects and also dispels endogenous heat from the blood, it is an ideal health drink for the young and old. Taking Wen Jing Tea constantly will not only let you enjoy the savor of this exquisite drink but also enable you to keep fit and stays healthy.

    Directions: 3 or 4 cups daily. Steep the tea leaves (5g per cup) in boiling water for 5 minutes before drinking.
    Manufacturer: Changzhou Kakoo Tea Foodstuff Co. Ltd. Changzhou, China; licensed by Joo Hong Medical Hall (Singapore).
  • 【剂 型】 片剂。
    【成 份】 石膏,黄芩,桔梗,甘草,大黄,人工牛黄,冰片。
    【处方来源】 〔明〕《证治准绳》。
    【功能主治】 咽喉肿痛,牙龈肿痛,口舌生疮,目赤肿痛,清热解毒。
    【用法用量】 一次2-4片,一日2 次。
    【包装规格】 60片/瓶。
    【注意】 因泻下作用较强,不宜长期依赖服用。孕妇忌服,年老体弱大便溏软者慎用。

    Packing: 60 tablets/bottle
    Ingredients: Gypsum Fibrosum, Radix Scutellariae, Radix Platycodonis, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Calculus Bovis (synthetic), Borneolum Syntheticum.
    Indications: Clear away inner bodily heat and toxin virus, applicable to swollen and painful, sore eye and throat, and ulcers in the oral cavity.
    Dosage: Oral, 2-4 tablets, twice daily.
    Attention: Not to be use by pregnant women. Use with care for the elderly and those with loose stools. Has side effect of diarrhea, not suitable for long term use.
  • 【剂 型】 片剂。
    【成 份】 黄连,栀子,连翘,蔓荆子,防风,荆芥穗,白芷,黄芩,菊花,薄荷,大黄,黄柏,桔梗,川芎,石膏,旋覆华,甘草。
    【处方来源】 〔明〕《万病回春》。
    【药理作用】 散风清热,泻火止痛。
    【功能主治】 用于风热上攻,肺胃热盛所致的头晕目眩,爆发火眼,牙齿疼痛,口舌生疮,咽喉肿痛,耳痛耳鸣,大便秘结,小便短赤。
    【用法用量】 口服。一次6片,一日2 次。
    【包装规格】 48片/瓶。
    【注意】 一岁以内的婴儿,孕妇及哺乳妇女,脾胃虚寒者禁用。

    Packing: 48 tablets/bottle
    Ingredients: Rhizoma Coptidis, Fructus Gardeniae, Fructus Forsythiae, Fructus Viticis, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Spica Schizonepetae, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Radix Scutellariae, Chrysanthemi Flos, Herba Menthae Haplocalycis, Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Phellodendri Chinenesis Corex, Radix Platycodonis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Gypsum Fibrosum, Inulae Flos, Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae.
    Indications: Dissipate wind-heat, purge bodily heat and relieve pain. Used for dizziness and vertigo, sore eyes, toothache, swollen sore throat, pain in the ear and tinnitus constipation, short voiding of dark-colored urine caused by bodily wind-heat, and exuberant heat of the lung and stomach.
    Dosage: Oral, 6 tablets, twice daily.
    Warning: Do not use for infant below 1 year old, pregnant and breastfeeding women; and those with wind, cold, and spleen-stomach.
  • 丰牌®问荆茶是由精选问荆绿茶用现代高新科技精细配制而成。生产过程中无化学反应,不含任何化合物,全系天然物质。本茶作为一种实用的保健材料,具有清热凉血,利尿等作用。这是因为问荆的有效成分很多,其中有含量较高的水溶性硅酸化合物。这是硅化合物在人体所有组织的物质代谢过程中,特别是在脂肪质的代谢中起着极其重要作用。


    【功能】 良好的降高胆固醇及高三酸甘油脂等作用,且无任何禁止与副作用。
    【包装】 4克 x 25茶袋
    【制造商】 中国常州开古茶叶食品有限公司– 裕丰参茸药行(新加坡)监制。

    Feng Brand® WENJING TEA is made from high quality green tea grown near Lake Tai of Wuxi Province, China. It is mixed with Wen Jing (Equisetum Arvense), a Chinese plant, which does not contain any chemical compound.

    As it has antipyretic and diuretic effects and also dispels endogenous heat from the blood, it is an ideal health drink for the young and old. Taking Wen Jing Tea constantly will not only let you enjoy the savor of this exquisite drink but also enable you to keep fit and stays healthy.

    Directions:Steep 1 tea bag in boiling water for 5 minutes before drinking. Each tea bag can be used to 2-3 times by adding boiling water depends on individual taste preference.

    Packing: 4 grams x 25 Teabags.
    Manufacturer: Changzhou Kakoo Tea Foodstuff Co. Ltd. Changzhou, China; licensed by Joo Hong Medical Hall (Singapore).